


Smashing the Gender Box, Gabriela B. Delgado

Often times, we are put in a “box” because of our gender. If we don’t conform, we are often viewed as “different.”  This interactive workshop will provide participants with an opportunity to examine media messages and its influence on gender roles.  Through hands-on activities, group discussions, and much more, participants will learn how to break through barriers that often prevent us from being true to ourselves.

LGBTQ 101: Finding the Words, Fernando Lopez 

Participants will learn about the diversity of language use around sexual orientation, sex, gender, and gender identity while participating in exercises that will that can help them understand the emotional trauma associated with bullying and how we can all be better allies to the LGBTQ community.

Learning to Breathe – Yoga and Mindfulness for Teens, Shawnee Thornton Hardy

This workshop will teach asanas (yoga poses), pranayama (breathing), meditation and visualization strategies in order to cope with stress, anxiety and the challenges of growing up in a complex and sometimes stressful world. Stress management is an important skill for teens to learn. When we are in a calm and balanced state we are more able to focus, make clearer decisions and maintain healthier relationships with ourselves and others. Participants will come away with simple tools to bring their minds and bodies to a more calm and relaxed state in order to cope with challenging and stressful events and situations.

Getting To Know The Real You!, Claire Ellison

In this interactive workshop, attendees will investigate the power of labels. Attendees will have the opportunity to determine whether or not they want to live up to the labels they have been given. Through an activity attendees will physically tear off their labels and replace them with strengths of their true identity. Please join this workshop to determine “The Real You” through an exciting and engaging activity!

* This activity has been adapted from Christian Moore’s WhyTry Program curriculum (2001).

MORNING TEACHER WORKSHOP                                                  

Restorative Practices in Schools, Dominique Smith

This workshop will give a introduction to restorative practices. It will focus on the philosophy and the understanding of how to use circles within a classroom setting. The goal is to help build restorative practices not just as a discipline model but as a tool to help generate a stronger culture within school. There will be testimony from a student that participates in restorative practices with an open question and answer format.




It’s Okay to Ask4Help!®, Kelly Cavanaugh

It is not uncommon for teens to think about suicide. You may know someone who is thinking about it, or someone that you are concerned about. One in five teenagers in the U.S. considers suicide annually. The purpose of the Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program® is to provide those who may be thinking suicide and their friends resources to get help. Participants will learn about warning signs and risk factors for suicide as well as coping strategies for everyday stress.

Inside the Mind of Bipolar 1 Disorder, Veronica May

Ever wonder what it might feel like to be inside the mind of a person with bipolar 1 disorder? Wonder no more! This workshop will give an insiders look on the experiences of a person with Bipolar 1 disorder during a full-blown manic episode. It will also touch upon ways to reduce chances of future episodes and mention various coping mechanisms in crisis. This workshop’s main goal is to educate on what Bipolar 1 disorder is and what it is not.

Countering the Culture: Media Literacy for Teens, Healthy Within, Inc.

Students will participate in activities from the Full of Ourselves and Boys Council leadership programs. They will be divided into small groups where they will engage in activities that will develop critical thinking and leadership skills. Students will understand the impact of mass media, as well as gain tools to identify and challenge unhealthy and unrealistic media messages and images. As a result, they will be able to clarify their own personal values and define “beauty” for themselves.

Ending the Silence, NAMI San Diego

This 50-minute program is devoted to giving school-age students an opportunity to learn about mental illness through power point, video, and personal testimony.  The students learn symptoms and indicators of mental illness, and are given ideas about how to help themselves, friends, or family members who may be in need of support.  The program is delivered by a two-person team including a trained  consumer/presenter who shares his/her own journey with mental illness and can relate to the student population. Students are given a resource card with valuable phone numbers and websites for mental health agencies along with a list of symptoms/warning signs.  At the conclusion of the presentation, postcards are mailed home to parents informing them of the “Ending The Silence” program and information regarding the programs and services of NAMI San Diego. Through this program, it is NAMI San Diego’s belief that this generation of students can be well-positioned to eradicate the stigma associated with mental illness through education and advocacy.

Down with Self Help: Stamping Out Stigma, Lisa Garcia and RI Panel

A panel demonstration of The Recovery International is an example of RI’s “Power of Change” meetings for young adults. Here individuals learn to take control of your life instead of being controlled by events or behavior of others.

AFTERNOON TEACHER WORKSHOP                                               

Stop the Stigma: Stand Up, Stand Strong, Stand Together A Workshop for Parents, Teachers, and Other Adults in the School Community, Terri Fong

How can we translate our conference theme into every day practice? What can we do to support, model, teach, and celebrate a more understanding and compassionate view of mental health and other life challenges? A panel of school social workers will be on hand to guide attendees in a discussion of these and other important topics, and to also share helpful resources.

To learn more about our TRUST speakers, visit our speakers page.